Them eyebrows!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My eyebrows have taken on a world of their own the last week. I am in desperate need of a catch up with my waxing wonder but time has not been on my side. Something had to be sacrificed and unfortunately for me it was those brows. So please don't judge this busy mumma. 

The last week has been amazing, devastating and humbling all in one. All because my first baby turned two. TWO. I know everyone says this but how did this happen so quickly??!!

It has been so freezing cold here the last week and the boys and I have all been fighting colds and coughs so there have been more Peppa Pig marathons and toast dinners then I would like to admit. But when your sick and your babes are sick you do what you've got to do to survive! This has consequently meant that we are out of Vegemite and every day I seem to forget to buy some and every night bang on 9pm I crave some Vegemite toast. My struggle is real....

My thoughts lately consist of counting down to summer and beginning to plan our summer bucket list. And trying to think of creative, affordable and realistic ways to date my husband! So please send me some suggestions!!! 

Here is to finding some time to tame my brows ;) 


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