29 weeks. |
With only 9 weeks to go until we meet our baby boy I feel like I have blinked and we are at the finish line already. How can so many months go so quickly?
I can already feel his patient nature coming through. Or maybe that is positive thinking on my part.
Trey was 8 months old when we found out we were being blessed with another little. I am not even going to try and explain how ecstatic we were when we found out. We had a tough time waiting for Trey to join our family so never in our wildest dreams did we expect things to be so quick and so easy this time. Thankful does not even touch the surface.
I was so exhausted this pregnancy. Lets be real, raising an eight month old boy is exhausting enough. Throw in a million hormones and a body in overdrive and you have a very tired (crazy) mumma. I am sure I was not the most pleasant person to live with during the first four months but I sure do love my boys for sticking by me and loving me even more when I didn't deserve it.
Here is a little update as to where we are right now....
How far along? 29 weeks.
Best moment of this week? Seeing Little O on the ultrasound at this weeks OB appointment.
Sleep? Not much - thank you insomnia and itchy feet!
Missing anything? Sashimi, everyday.
Movement? I have a very active little growing inside.
Food cravings? I am addicted to these yummy caramel butter cookies. So good.
Anything making you queasy? Flashes of memories of labour, haha.
Gender? BOY!
Labour signs? Nope.
Looking forward to? Our extension starting so I can finally make some space for him.
Truth be told pregnancy is just as wonderful the second time as it is the first. Every scan is just as exciting and you long for every movement just as much. You count down the seconds until you can hold your babe in your arms just as often as the first time.
It only gets better because you know all the wonderful things you have to look forward to.