Sneaking Away.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Trey and I are back from our few days away at the beach. We had such a great time but was definitely bitter sweet as we missed having Daniel around to enjoy it with us.

Trey is such a water baby! If he can see water - he wants in. This also includes Tupac's water bowl, puddles and any type of small water formation you can imagine. Its a blessing and a curse. He is not afraid of the water or the waves. As soon as he was put down on the sand he would run for the waves. Getting straight back up if one knocked him over in his attempt to get deeper. His love for the beach included the sand though so he was happy to take dry breaks and spend hours playing in the sand.

One day we plan to live on the beach and I can not wait. I hope it isn't too far away because this boy needs to be near the ocean.

We also didn't mind our daily fish and chips and the perfect walk to the juice shop for our fresh juice each day.

We also LOVED getting to spend the extra time with my brother and parents (more photos to come of this).

Here is a few snaps for now.


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